Plot and access data on UK climate risks at scales from the local authority to the nation
This website provides information on future changes to indicators of climate risk across the UK. The information is provided at scales ranging from the district to the four nations of the UK, and for several different scenarios describing how global emissions of the greenhouse gases that cause climate change might increase in the future.
Users can plot maps showing the variation in indicators across the UK and can plot and download time series for specific locations.
The website was updated in August 2023 with the following revisions:
With a wide range of configurable options, users can explore a vast range of climate indicators, with various metrics based on different climate scenarios, model strands, and at different spatial resolutions.
All of the underlying data for this website can be downloaded using the "Download Data" button. This allows users to explore the data in their own software, or to use the data in their own research. Both the raw indicator data, and the visible map data can be downloaded. We use a Creative Commons license for the data, which means that the data can be used freely, so long as the source is acknowledged.
Full information about how to use the website, and what each field means, is available using the collapsible help panel on the right-hand side of the screen. If you would like to explore a detailed list of the indicators before using the website, you can do so by clicking here.
The UK Climate Resilience Programme has produced a series of video tutorials on how to use the UK Climate Risk Explorer, including basic usage as well as how to make the most of the data and tailor the outputs to your own situation. These can be found on the main UK Climate Resilience website.
By using the "Select additional scenario" and the "Select multiple regions" tools, users can compare different scenarios and models for a particular region, or can compare different regions with one another for a given scenario. Any plot can be downloaded as a PDF or as a PNG image, for use in presentations or reports.
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